The benefit of the school is to equips people with an understanding of basic financial concepts to inform their real-world financial decisions. With this knowledge in hand, they’re better able to manage their money, make sound decisions, and maintain healthy spending and budgeting habits, which over time can lead to financial wellness. 

The importance of financial literacy becomes especially clear when considering the financial challenges that many people face: 

  • 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 
  • Student loan debt is US$1.5 trillion for more than 44 million borrowers. 
  • Credit card debt is up to a record $1.04 trillion. 
  • 21% of Americans aren’t setting aside any money for short-term or long-term goals. 

To address these issues, Nelson Financial Academy a leader in education, business are stepping up efforts to provide financial education and expand financial literacy across the United States.


Dikernst Nelson

First off, I’m a father and a loving partner so my story started in Haiti, I was born there and I also served in the US military, a proud member of Alpha Kappa PSi Business Fraternity. I started my company because when I was in the military, I was making money but my credit was messed up and I paid someone to fix it for almost two years no result. So, I realized that school don’t teach us finance or how to be financially independent instead they teach us how to work for someone and how to be in debt. so, my program is to educate and help people gain financial freedom that they deserved.